Treat Your Scar: Be Blemish-Free

You might have recovered from a bout of teenage or adult acne, but have you got rid of the blemishes too? Acne has the tendency to leave behind ugly scars, as if you keep haunting you even after it is gone. There are some ways in which implementing acne scar treatment can help you in the long run. Not only will it treat your skin to a blemish-free state, but also prevent further outbreak of pimples. Mild or isolated scarring may require only natural, homely treatments to get rid of the scars, but for severe scarring you might have to go for medical acne scar treatment.

There are over-the-counter medicines and also prescription medicines to treat your scars. However, nothing works unless you show patience and wait until a particular treatment starts working on your skin and shows the early impact. 

Some easy acne scar treatments:

1.       A simple skin care regime: The word simple is of utmost importance. It is time you stop investing money on those ridiculous makeup kits and focus on buying green leafy vegetables, fruits, drink sufficient water and also invest in a gym. Resort to regular skin cleaning, toning and moisturizing. That is sufficient to keep pimples at bay.

2.       Sunblock: Use a suitable sunblock that would not trigger further acne development on your skin. The sun rays induce melanin formation and ugly pigmentation. That can lead to sunburn and further damage to your acne scars. Protect your skin by using a suitable sun block that suits your type of skin. Ensure that along with the face you are also treating the rest of the body to similar nourishment.

3.       Kitchen ingredients: Potato skin, orange peel, banana skin, tomato, all are said to have an astringent quality. Applying them on your skin in a circular motion helps reduce melanin formation and clean up the existing scars. You can also use other ingredients that have the same acne scar treatment effect on your skin. Ingredients like lemon, aloe vera, tea tree oil, vinegar, rose water, sandalwood paste, so on and so forth.

4.       Medicines: You may follow your doctor’s prescription or use over-the-counter creams and peels, but ensure none of that damage your skin permanently. Medicines should always be taken after consulting a dermatologist to avoid any future injury to your skin.

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Acne Medication: Plan Your Treatment

Acne is a condition experienced by millions of people across the world. Some have better experiences than the other, the reason being exclusive condition of the skin. No individual can be the same. Everybody is unique and have different issues. The disease or skin condition might be the same, but not everyone can tolerate the same medicines, treatments, etc. 

Earlier, teenagers were asked to cut out on oily food, street food, clean the body more regularly, give up on all the bad habits, and along with that were handed a tube of Clearasil and astringent. Nobody really delved deep into the cause of acne, treating every victim as the same. However, with medical progress, it has been researched and diagnosed that pimples can be of different kinds, and they all require different kinds of acne medication.

1.       Comedonal acne: This form of pimple is mild and consists of black- and white-head development. An oily produce of the skin called sebum blocks the pores of the skin. That leads to the formation of comedonal acne. Their appearance is majorly on the chin, nose and forehead.

2.       Cysticacne: This is the worst acne condition. This can be related to an infection triggered by acne outbreak in a particular area of the skin. This kind of acne leaves a blemished skin and scars you psychologically.
3.       Inflammatory acne: This is the common red pimple which you may see on your face. The area beneath a white or black head inflames to form this kind of acne.

Acne medication for comedonal and inflammatory acne:

Traditional acne medication is recommended for this kind of pimple outbreak. Tazorac, Differin, Retin-A, Renova, are the most common retinoid indorsed for these kind of acne. Retinoid is always accompanied by an antibiotic which helps in killing the bacteria that forms around the blocked pore and cause inflammation. 

Acne medication for hormonal acne:

Hormonal acne developed during puberty is aggravated by the raging hormones of teenage girls. Oral contraceptives are recommended in this case. 

Acne medication for severe cystic acne:

Accutane or laser therapies are perhaps the only two treatments to severe acne. Accutane definitely has some side effects which can be avoided if one can sign up for the very expensive laser treatment. This form of acne requires higher medical care.

Once you know your condition it is time to plan your treatment, be it medical or natural.
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Fighting Acne Vulgaris

Acne vulgaris is not a rare disease. It is extremely common and mostly among teenagers. A teenager experiences a lot of hormonal shifts, majorly during puberty. The raging androgen induces the formation of acne. The sebum production, triggered by androgen, persists throughout puberty and a good extent of adulthood. 

How to recognize acne vulgaris before treating it:

The color and size of acne depends on skin tone, skin type, and lifestyle. If you experience a rash-like growth on your skin which is not consistent but is formed of puss, you may immediately consult your dermatologist. This development on your skin may be referred to as acne vulgaris. Acne can be different in color. On a fairer skin tone, you may notice red inflammation, and on a darker skin, it can be brownish. Acne can leave ugly marks on your skin. There are different types of scars that leave your skin damaged, unless treated urgently.

Take for example:

1.       Ice pick scars: You skin develops deep pits after a pimple has disappeared. This is the most common form of acne vulgaris scars.

2.       Rolling scars: Your skin looks wavy. That is the rolling impact that acne formation can leave behind.
3.       Angular scars: They look very similar to chicken pox scars. Angular or box car scars develop mainly on the cheeks or your temple. They can vary from being deep to superficial in intensity.

4.       Pigmentation scars: This is perhaps the ugliest form of scar left behind by cystic or nodular acne vulgaris. The marks are red in color and may take ages to fade if not treated in time. 

Fighting acne vulgaris:

Once you are equipped with the knowledge of acne, your skin type, and other socio-psychological impact it may have on you, its time you gear up for a tough fight. Acne vulgaris is a challenge that can be met if you are careful enough. Dermatologists recommend various medical treatments to acne.

Ø  Benzoyl peroxide:This is the first medical treatment recommended for its effectiveness on mild acne breakouts. 

Ø  Antibiotics: Under very severe conditions, acne vulgaris requires the treatment of antibiotics. 

Ø  Hormones: Women are sometimes offered hormonal medicines to get rid of stubborn acne developments.

Ø  Natural remedies: Apart from the above-mentioned processes, there are various natural and ayurvedic treatments to acne vulgaris too.

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No More Embarrassment- Treat Back Acne Naturally

Acne on the body can be quite embarrassing for those who are suffering for a long time. If you have not been careful enough and let these tiny devils grow on your body for long, it is high time you seek medical attention. There are many reasons why back acne issues keep cropping up every now and then. They may start with an oily skin and then you may have cleaning issues. Neglecting your back can easily trigger the condition and worsen it. 

Ways to treat your back acne

There are many way you can treat a back acne. The first and foremost step is to pay a visit to your dermatologist. Ensure that the development is actually back acne. Also analyse your skin type. That would help you understand the extent of treatment required and also the after treatment routine care to be followed.
If you have mild back acne you may follow these steps to prevent further damage to your skin.

Ø  Use an anti-bacterial cleanser to wash your body. Regular soaps have a tendency to dry up your skin. That induces inflammation followed by worsened back acne. Check for suitable ingredients when you buy any cleanser over the counter. Now that you know your skin type it will be easier to choose. Once cleaned, pat your skin dry.

Ø  Now, benzoyl peroxide can be applied and in moderation. You may consult your dermatologist to understand side effects or whether it is suitable for your skin. Once applied let it dry on your skin.
Usually, these two steps can easily check and stub the growth of mild back acne. However, if you are prone to severe acne breakout on your back and body, you must consult a dermatologist for medical help. 

Preventing back acne

Stubborn acne can be treated only if you generate that awareness within you. This is when you are able to prevent back acne. Some people are prone to oily skin. Again, oily hair that touches your back every now and then may also induce back acne. What you can do is scrub your back gently every day when you wash your body. Treating every nook and corner of your body to a daily cleaning regime can save you from developing acne. 

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Why do Grown-ups get Pimples?

We do have a false impression of acne being a teen-age skin condition. And when it breaks out on a 30-year-old’s skin, we go berserk thinking what has gone wrong? No, this is definitely not the Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Say hello to your adult acne and ensure you get rid of it soon. There are various reasons that trigger adult acne.

Reason #1 

Blackheads: A blocked pore is your skin’s enemy. Pimples begin at the threshold of a blackhead formation. Oil and dead cells clog the pores and that, when exposed to air, forms a blackhead. An inflammation causes an acne breakout. 

Reason #2

Hormones: Blame it on the sebaceous glands. The overproduction of androgens and estrogens kick off these glands that trigger acne. As you grow older, the hormones stop secreting as voraciously. However, unfortunately, the retail world has cracked open the safety zone by introducing hormones to various consumables. This easily manhandles the hormones even at a later stage of life.    
Reason #3

Uncontrolled lifestyle: A teenage kid has a stern mom or dad to keep control over, who controls an adult? Self-control is expected out of you. Indulging in too much of chocolates, fried food, alcohol, frenzied lifestyle, all may trigger too much stress on your body and skin. No one is asking you to quit, just do what you were doing, but in moderation. That helps!

Adult and Teen Acne

There is a huge difference between adult acne and a teenager’s pimple breakout. At such a young age, a teenager has a thicker skin. The acne control lotions and gels that could work on such skin type would never work on a thinner skin that you have at the age of 30. However, there are similar products, meant for the older skin that may help you to get rid of adult acne.

Treat adult acne to natural healing

Instead of treating your skin to harsh chemicals and jumping from one skin specialist to another, it is a far better idea to treat naturally. Adult acne can be catered to with ingredients that you have in your kitchen. You will not need to pay a visit to the drug store round the corner. A lemon, some sugar, honey, yoghurt, orange peel, banana skin, papaya juice, gram flour, each and every ingredient can help you prevent and get rid of adult acne.

Discover how you can beat your acne naturally. FREE Presentation reveals how you can start seeing results within the next 7 days.Click here to learn more: